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Environmental Management

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Environmental Management of the IDEC Group
Development of Eco-Friendly Products and Equipment Investment
Sustainability KPIs

Environmental Management of the IDEC Group

The IDEC Group has formulated its long-term vision for 2050 and interim vision for 2030. As a global corporation, the Group aims to achieve sustainable growth while tackling societal challenges that include measures to deal with global warming and climate change.

Actions to ensure sustainability, in particular initiatives for climate change, are essential for companies from the standpoint of both responding to increased social needs and preserving the global environment. Moreover, in the effort to achieve sustainable growth, environmental strategies are an important part of the Group’s business strategy, and therefore an environmental response is viewed as a transition opportunity. We will implement strategies for helping to achieve our Group’s main purpose of ensuring safety, ANSHIN, and well-being for people around of the world, through the development of eco-friendly products, environmental energy business, and other activities.

Specifically, “Promotion of initiatives to reduce environmental impact” are included as one item in the basic strategy outlined in the medium-term management plan. We have established sustainability KPIs and are pursuing an action plan that reflects our transition opportunities toward the achievement of the goal.

Beginning with what can be achieved right now, we are addressing to achieve carbon neutrality in order to realize our vision for 2050.

Development of Eco-Friendly Products and Equipment Investment

We have established “The Procedure Manual for the Development of Eco-Friendly Products” and are developing products with the aim of achieving energy-saving, resource-saving and decarbonization from the design stage onward. We are reducing the number of parts used, making products more lightweight, phasing in the use of recycled plastics, and calculating a life cycle assessment (LCA) and carbon footprint (CFP) for major products. In addition, we score the degree of environmental consideration of new products based on the IDEC’s own standards. New products that meet the standard are certified as "enhanced eco-friendly products” and are stamped with the IDEC’s original eco-mark, compliant with ISO/JIS Q14021 (Type II). The cumulative ratio of enhanced eco-friendly products launched since FY2020 was 74.1% as of FY2023.

Moreover, as a framework of promoting investments in environmentally conscious development, we introduced internal carbon pricing (ICP) in FY2023. In the initial year, and FY2025 the ICP was set at JPY 6,000 and 10,000, respectively, and the price will be reassessed each year.

To ensure that the ICP concept is thoroughly disseminated within the company, the Environmental Strategy Committee has selected model cases and is calculating CO2 emissions reduction amount and studying the impact on return on investment after applying ICP. As examples of studying, we are conducting simulations on the introduction of new energy-saving manufacturing equipment, investment in the development of eco-friendly products with a lower environmental impact than existing products, the installation of energy-saving air conditioning equipment, and replacement of gasoline vehicles with electric ones.

Sustainability KPIs (FY2025)

Renewable energy utilization ratio: 18%
Reduction ratio of CO2 emissions: 24%  (Scope1&2, vs. FY2020)
Reduction ratio of industrial wastes: 24%  (vs. FY2020)
Cumulative ratio of enhanced eco-friendly products to total new products: 60% or more  (cumulative total since FY2020)

Rated "B" score at CDP 2023 Climate Change Report

IDEC was rated a "B" score at the "Climate Report 2023" disclosed by CDP in February 2024. CDP is a non-profit organization (NGO) that was established in the UK in 2000 and is operated with support from investors in various countries. CDP surveys on climate change, forests, and water resource management for private companies and local governments and discloses the results. In 2023, more than 23,000 companies, equivalent to two-thirds of the world's market capitalization, disclosed environmental information through CDP questionnaires, The number of Japanese companies that responded was with approximately 2,000.
IDEC's "B" score for climate change in 2023 is at the management level in CDP's classification, which indicates that the a company understands its own environmental risks and impacts and takes actions on climate issues.
IDEC expressed our support for TCFD in 2021 and started to disclose climate-related financial information in 2022. Currently, IDEC addresses initiatives for achieving carbon neutrality in 2050.