Human Rights |
Human Rights Policy
IDEC Human Rights StatementThe IDEC Group’s vision is to “Pioneer the new norm for a safer and sustainable world.” We envision a safer and more sustainable world, bringing happiness and peace of mind for all. As we strive towards achieving this vision, the IDEC Group also strives to make the most of its efforts to clarify its approach to respecting human rights. We have established this Human Rights Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "policy") as an upper-level guideline, incorporating the opinions of external experts. Scope of ApplicationThis policy is applicable to all personnel of IDEC Corporation and IDEC Corporation Group Companies (hereinafter referred to as the IDEC Group) across all levels of employment; executives, fixed term/part-time employees, temporary employees, and contract employees (hereinafter referred to as employees). In addition, the IDEC Group expects all business partners, including suppliers, to understand and support the contents of this policy. We will continue to encourage and ensure that they are following and respecting the policy. Commitment to the Respect for Human RightsThe IDEC Group is fully committed to the respect for human rights in adherence with the United Nations’ “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” and its referencing rules “International Bill of Human Rights” and the International Labour Organization (ILO) “Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work”, as well as “Children’s Rights and Business Principles” and other international norms and principles relating to human rights. Human rights items significant to the IDEC Group The preceding list of human rights items is not exhaustive and is subject to updates in accordance with the results of human rights impact assessments under due diligence continuously implemented based on the policy. RemediationIn the unlikely event that the IDEC Group’s business activities, products or services have a negative impact on the human rights of our customers, local communities, or our stakeholders, the IDEC Group will provide relief/aid via appropriate procedures. If a business partner of the IDEC Group, including suppliers, is found to have a negative impact on the human rights of our stakeholders in connection with the IDEC Group’s business activities, products or services, the IDEC Group will exercise its influence over the business partner, and by doing so, seek to provide relief for those affected. Application & Observations of LawsThe IDEC Group complies with all applicable laws and regulations of its operating countries and regions. In the event that the laws and regulations of a country or region is in contradiction of internationally recognized laws and regulations of human rights, the IDEC Group will seek to prioritize and adhere to those internationally recognized. GovernanceThe IDEC Group is committed to establishing a framework for an internal “Human rights due diligence” system to fulfill the responsibility of respecting and promoting human rights. Furthermore, the IDEC Group will ensure the proper integration of this policy into its business activities by reflecting it in human resources, procurement and other related policies, procedures, and contents. Human Rights Due DiligenceThe IDEC Group will implement the following process to ensure the human rights due diligence is appropriately incorporated into all aspects of its business, in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In situations involving stakeholders where the IDEC Group cannot control decision-making, the IDEC Group will continue to exert its influence to ensure that the policy is respected and work to avoid complicity in human rights abuses. Grievance MechanismIn addition to the IDEC Hotline for IDEC Group employees, the IDEC Group will establish a report desk that those within the company such as employees and those outside such as suppliers, business partners, members of the local community, and stakeholders can use. By creating the report desk, the IDEC Group aims to quickly identify concerns including negative impacts on human rights at an early stage, enabling us as a group to resolve the presented issues via necessary procedures swiftly. Whistleblowers’ information and the contents of their report will be kept confidential to protect their identity, and thorough protection will be provided to avoid any outcomes of unfavorable treatment or retaliation measures against the whistleblower. Stakeholder EngagementThe IDEC Group recognizes the importance of addressing the negative impacts on human rights from the perspective of individuals or groups affected. Therefore, the IDEC Group will make efforts to engage in direct dialogue with the affected groups or via a legitimate representative, such as NGOs, while additionally, considering the opinions of external experts in its efforts. Awareness and EducationThe IDEC Group will conduct appropriate education and training for all officers and employees to raise awareness of this policy within the company. Additionally, to integrate this policy effectively into the company’s business activities, it will be reflected in relevant policies, procedures, and its operations. The IDEC Group will also develop the capabilities of its personnel to ensure the effective implementation of “human rights due diligence,” and strive for a commitment to human rights throughout the supply chain by ensuring that suppliers and business partners are fully aware of the contents of this policy. Human Rights Policy Process and ReviewThe IDEC Group will continue to take into consideration societal trends, changes in the business environment, and dialogues with stakeholders, to periodically review this policy and strive to enhance efforts in respecting human rights. July 31st, 2024 Toshi K. Funaki |
2.Diversity & Inclusion
2.1 Diversity & Inclusion
The IDEC Group promotes diversity & inclusion initiatives that focuses on creating a workforce and support system that facilitates the active engagement of individuals with diverse experiences, expertise, and perspectives. The IDEC Group aims to establish an environment where all individuals can respect each other’s humanity and thrive, regardless of factors such as race, skin color, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity or nationality, disability, pregnancy, social status, lineage, religion, or any other characteristic.
2.2 Promotion of Employee Diversity
The IDEC Group condemns any form of discrimination relating to gender, age, nationality, disability, or any other factors mentioned in section 2.1, across all aspects of employment, placement, promotion, and advancement. To prevent the occurrence of discrimination, appropriate training is provided to employees, and efforts are made to establish a working environment that is accommodating for employees with disabilities. In other efforts towards diversification, active measures are taken to recruit, develop and promote individuals with high expertise as well as global human resources who can promote IDEC Group’s business on a global scale, communicating with people from diverse backgrounds and values within the international community.
The IDEC Group also provides employee training on diversity and inclusion, to create a workplace environment where diverse personnel can thrive without unjust discrimination.
2.3 Work Life Balance
The IDEC Group is committed to creating a comfortable work environment that facilitates work life balance for employees. To promote this, the IDEC Group has established policies related to leave during pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare, as well as reduced hours to enable flexibility for those that are raising children. In addition to this, the IDEC Group is developing systems that give all employees (not just those who are raising children) greater flexibility in working hours and locations to support a greater work life balance.
2.4 Individual Skills Development
The IDEC Group is actively engaged in offering comprehensive internal and external training, career development support systems, and initiatives to identify and develop the next generation of managerial candidates. Additionally, the IDEC Group provides opportunities for employees to enhance skills through self-selected learning courses, e-learning programs, as well as utilizing rotations to support growth and career development.
2.5 Anti-harassment Measures
The IDEC Group is committed to creating a rewarding workplace that is safe and free of occupational accidents, incorporating the principles of “Safety, ANSHIN and Well-being.” Acts such as sexual harassment, abuse of authority/workplace bullying, maternity/paternity discrimination, gender inequality, SOGI discrimination and other behaviors that violate human rights and have negative impact on the workplace, are strictly prohibited. To prevent such harassment, the IDEC Group conducts various anti-harassment training. In addition, in the event that an employee's dignity is unreasonably damaged during communication with customers or business partners, the IDEC Group will take appropriate action in good faith and in a resolute manner.
3.Due Diligence Promotion, Organizational Structure
The IDEC Group has established a specialized subcommittee within the CSR Committee, chaired by the CEO, to address human rights issues mentioned above. A human rights due diligence organization, in collaboration with relevant external and internal departments, will be established.
■ Human Rights Policy (PDF:613KB)
■ Human Rights Policy in Japanese (PDF:1,082KB)
■ Human Rights Policy in Simplified Chinese(PDF:708KB)
■ Human Rights Policy in Traditional Chinese(PDF:695KB)
4.Related Documents
・IDEC Group Code of Conduct
・IDEC Group CSR Procurement Guidelines
・Privacy Policy
・Policy for Developing Human Resources and Arranging Work Environments in Order to Ensure Diversity
・IDEC Group Health Declaration
Human rights due diligence
Process for addressing human rights
During FY2024, we clarified our procedures for implementing actions that address and promote human rights. Going forward, we will continue to promote various initiatives in line with these procedures.
Assessment of impacts on human rights
The Risk Management Committee’s “Human Rights Subcommittee” has identified and assessed potential negative impacts on human rights within our value chain that could be caused by the IDEC Group’s business decisions and operations. Human rights items below are based on “Human rights items significant to the IDEC Group” in the IDEC Human Rights Statement. Going forward, we will formulate policies that outlines the implementation of preventive and corrective measures to address these high priority human rights issues.
Human rights education and enlightenment
In position-based training for new graduate hires, mid-career hires and promoted employees, we conduct human rights training and workshops based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
As human rights-related training that broadly covers areas of human rights to be respected by companies, we provide education and training that incorporates human rights themes into anti-harassment training, compliance training and occupational safety & health training.
We conducted video-based anti-harassment training and compliance training for our Japanese group companies in FY2024. The attendance rates were 100% for anti-harassment training and compliance training respectively. In conjunction with the training, we are also distributing IDEC Group Harassment Case Cards to employees with subordinates, to foster correct knowledge about harassment and prevent it from happening. We plan to expand human rights-related training globally in the future.
We have also posted videos on forced labor and child labor, and a checklist to confirm the relationship between human rights and our business on our corporate intranet, as part of efforts to promote understanding and raise awareness of human rights issues among employees.
(Commitment to human rights issues)
IDEC has indicated the following five items as points for our commitment to human rights issues, and is systematizing human rights education in accordance with each personnel level.
・Respect for basic human rights
・Prohibition of harassment
・Promotion of occupational safety and health
・Freedom of association and collective bargaining rights