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Initiatives for SDGs

What Are SDGs?


In September of 2015, the "United Nations Sustainable Development Summit" was held at the UN Headquarters.
The outcome document thereof, "Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development," was unanimously adopted by 193 member nations and contains Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The SDGs consist of 17 goals with 169 associated targets. In order to achieve these goals by 2030, the participation and contributions of companies are expected. 
The IDEC Group will earn the trust of society by fulfilling its corporate social responsibility, aiming for sustainable growth and contributing to the development of a sustainable society.

Contributions to SDGs through Business

The IDEC Group aims to create new economic and social value through our business activities and to contribute to safety and the environment on the global level.
Here, we introduce our 5 business categories, our core products, the social value they create, and the related SDGs.

Business category Core products Social value Major related SDGs
HMI (Human-Machine Interface) - Switches
- Joysticks
- Operator interfaces
- Pursuing safety and ease of use
- Quality assurance
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Industrial Relays & Components - Relays / sockets
- Terminal blocks
- Switching power supplies
- Circuit protectors
- Industrial LED lighting

- Reducing consumed energy
- Space saving
- Providing optimal light for various applications

Automation & Sensing

- Programmable controllers
- Sensors
⁻ ez-Wheel products

- Eliminating labor shortages at industrial sites
- Sophisticated control at industrial sites 
- Automation to deal with increase in logistics
- Factory automation in diverse manufacturing industries
Safety & Explosion protection Solutions - Safety-related devices
- Explosion-protection devices
- Eliminating industrial accidents
- Creating a safe and comfortable environment in a global society
- Realization of collaborative safety and Safety 2.0
- Promoting international standardization
Systems - Collaborative safety robot systems
- Factory automation systems
- Eliminating labor shortages at industrial sites
- Improving safety and productivity
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The relation between Materiality and SDGs

The IDEC Group identifies material issues and promotes efforts to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.
We are committed to sustainable growth and the enhancement of corporate value by creating environmental, economic, and social value.