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Affordable Robots | USA

Providing collaborative robots for production floors, through renting

Two concerns of mid- to small-size business users
Many users have concerns over safety, as well as the investment recovery period of introducing robots while having issues such as an insufficient workforce and efficiency on production floors.
Safety can be assured through the established experience of IDEC group in control technology and machine safety. However, there is a limit to cost reduction. No matter how much benefit there will be, if robots cannot be introduced, that is a moot point.

Now, to achieve collaborative safety on production floors, we offer collaborative robots for rent at a small initial investment.

Introducing robots on a trial basis provides assurance of benefits

Collaborative robots that are rented can be installed without safety gates. Set-up time is short and programming is very easy. They are light weight and save space. Rentals are possible with a minimum of one unit for a month. This is perfect for users in the three product industries of food products, medical products and cosmetic products, who are introducing collaborative robots for the first time, trying before introducing robots permanently, or looking for production with a short lead time.

IDEC Group, with many qualified safety assessors, assures safety and provides safety training optimum for robot systems that are going to be installed. If a system needs to be designed for the all the processes, IDEC can not only rent individual robots, but also propose and build a system that can address challenges onsite, if requested. If it is determined during the rental period that collaborative robots are beneficial, it is also possible for the user to buy the robots.

Details of rentals
・Model: 2 models of universal robots (Denmark-made) UR 3 or UR5 are available.
・Rental period: Starting at 1 month
・Robot hands and competence sensors are available for rental, aside from individual collaborative robots. (Consultation required)
・Leasing and sales at the end of the rental period are available.
At IDEC’s Collaborative Safety Robot Technical Center, we can provide the best solutions to construct safe systems for customers planning to use robots.

Resolve workforce shortage, improve work efficiency, and shift to a workplace where humans can add value
IDEC contributes to improved safety and productivity on production floors by providing collaborative robot systems. By introducing collaborative robot systems, the workload of each employee can be reduced, which leads to improved motivation and competitiveness. Furthermore, with employees released from simple and stressful work, they can use their extra time completing more complex tasks. Collaborative safety created by collaborative robots provides value and changes the way people work on manufacturing floors.